Diamonds in the Dust (Diamonds are Forever #1)

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Diamonds in the Dust (Diamonds are Forever #1)

4.09 1217 274

A DARK MAFIA ROMANCEMen like us, we see things.We do things, things that make us unfeeling.That’s the price of power and money, of living la belle...

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Men like us, we see things.
We do things, things that make us unfeeling.

That’s the price of power and money, of living la belle vie and running the French mafia. Then she came along like a pretty wildflower pushing through the cracks on a dirty pavement—fragile yet resilient, a breath of beauty among the filth. She was supposed to be just another job, a nameless person I was to pluck from her life and hand to my brother, nothing but a pawn in the gamble of our diamond business.

There’s a psychological label for men like us.
We lack empathy and guilt.
We do things to have what we want, things that make flowers wilt.

(This is Book 1 of the Diamonds are Forever Trilogy and ends on a cliffhanger. Diamonds in the Rough (Book 2) will be released on 14 July 2020, and Diamonds are Forever (Book 3) on 15 September 2020.)

  • Format:ebook
  • Pages:245 pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

Charmaine Pauls

Charmaine Pauls

4.09 40384 8166
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