COVID-19: A Global Novel in a Global Village

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COVID-19: A Global Novel in a Global Village

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A global pandemic sends communities into a panicked frenzy. But as some are fighting against the COVID-19 other, Dr. Amigioli and Elisay are fighting...

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A global pandemic sends communities into a panicked frenzy. But as some are fighting against the COVID-19 other, Dr. Amigioli and Elisay are fighting against ignorance, fake news, and fear; as many are fighting for their lives, some are fighting for their love, for solidarity, and social justice.

When Dr. Amigioli moved from his home country of Gondwanaya to study at the “Prince Leopold” Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium, he never expected to meet the love of his life. But the beautiful Elisay, a fellow scholarship student, from Pattaya, Thailand, crosses his path and things are never the same. Their love blossoms during their studies, but all too soon Elisay must return to Thailand and Amigioli must go home to Gondwanaya before starting his new internship in Montreal. Before they part ways, however, Amigioli and Elisay promise to marry each other in Gondwanaya, as soon as they can.

But the year is 2020 and a silent killer is about to ravage the five continents. When Elisay and Amigioli touch down in Gondwanaya they have no way of knowing how quickly COVID-19 will engage them in a new adventure. To make matters worse, Elisay contracts a flu shortly after arriving at Amigioli’s village. Terrified of what will happen if the COVID-19 makes it into their community, the locals, fuelled by false information from crooked leaders, set out to burn Elisay alive.

And then, as the lovers try to flee the village, tragedy strikes…

A thrilling modern romance that questions the social, economic and health inequalities inside and among countries as they face a global crisis. It is a novel of love, solidarity, and hope in a world troubled by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:207 pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B0874GV8G8

About Author

Joseph Adrien Emmanuel Demes

Joseph Adrien Emmanuel Demes

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