Sorrow (The Dogwood Plantation #4)

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Sorrow (The Dogwood Plantation #4)

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In Part Four, the final volume of The Dogwood Plantation story, Meggie and Charles work on problems of married life and children while “Mr. John”...

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In Part Four, the final volume of The Dogwood Plantation story, Meggie and Charles work on problems of married life and children while “Mr. John” becomes embroiled again with the vicious envy of the Buck family, both before and after the Civil War. Meanwhile, Meggie embarks on her bold plan with big changes for her family and for the plantation. However, in the decade of the 1850’s it is the larger struggle between North and South that grows more dangerous and difficult to contain. The politicians in Washington DC, unable to reach a settlement on the slavery issue, submit to the horrors of war and risk a failure of the republican, democratic, way of government.

This war, with its destruction of towns and landscapes, with death and injury to many young boys, arrives in eastern North Carolina, where the citizens of the Dogwood Plantation stand and watch as Union troops move along the highway towards town. The battle there in 1862, as well as other fights in this part of North Carolina, cause much heartache for the McLachlan and Blanding families. The question of colored troops in the Union Army is much discussed and followed eagerly by those who believe in fighting for the freedom they hope will come soon with a Union victory.

The danger of death in battle fades when the national conflict is finished, but the sorrow for the freed slaves comes from a new source. They have freedom, yes, but, as John McLachlan offers in his thoughts: what will happen to these millions of freed people? Will the Union army stay and protect them? Probably not. Specifically, at Dogwood, what will happen to their mixed-race family? And to those who helped the Union along the coast during the war? New characters emerge who might influence the decisions.

  • Format:
  • Pages:274 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Amazon Digital Services
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B085GGJL32

About Author

Clare Dundas

Clare Dundas

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