Rejected (Shadow Beast Shifters, #1)

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Rejected (Shadow Beast Shifters, #1)

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My father made a terrible mistake. One I’m left paying for. As a wolf shifter growing up in a strong pack, I should be living my best life. But...

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More Details

My father made a terrible mistake. One I’m left paying for.

As a wolf shifter growing up in a strong pack, I should be living my best life. But after my father tried to kill the alpha, I’m labeled an outcast, traitor, less than dirt.

When I can't take pack life any longer, I run, but apparently they don't like losing their punching bag. Torin, the alpha’s son, drags me back before my first shift... a shift that will reveal my true mate.

I never could have predicted who mine would be, but the moment my wolf looks upon him, I’m filled with hope for a brighter future.

After all, no one ever rejects their true mate, right?
Wrong. Very wrong.

When the wolves attack, my soul screams for vengeance, and somehow I touch the shadow world. Somehow I bring him to our lands.

The Shadow Beast. Our shifter god. The devil himself.

Turns out being rejected by my mate was only the beginning.

  • Format:
  • Pages:398 pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08GSXMZKQ

About Author

Jaymin Eve

Jaymin Eve

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