The Valiant

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The Valiant

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King Arthur in outer space?Endless warfare has ravaged Earth, and billions are desperate to escape. One of them is Taylan Ellis.Driven from her home...

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King Arthur in outer space?

Endless warfare has ravaged Earth, and billions are desperate to escape. One of them is Taylan Ellis.

Driven from her home in the West Britannic Isles by an invasion and severed from her children, Taylan enlists with the Britannic Alliance, hoping she can help regain her homeland and find her kids.

But decades of internal conflict and terrestrial and space warfare have left the BA on the edge of collapse.

Then its battleship, the Valiant, picks up a distress signal. The rescuers break into a sealed chamber and find the apparently mummified remains of an Iron Age chieftain. Disappointed, they're about to leave when they discover the ‘mummy’ has a pulse.

Taylan suspects she knows who the mystery man is and what he’s capable of. If she’s right, can she convince her superiors and save the BA, her country, and her children?

The Valiant is book one in J.J. Green’s new space fantasy series, Star Legend.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:246 pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:InfiniteBook
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08M993CNC

About Author

J.J. Green

J.J. Green

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