Fit to be Tied (Marshals, #2)

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Fit to be Tied (Marshals, #2)

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Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones and Ian Doyle are now partners on and off the job: Miro’s calm professionalism provides an ideal balance to Ian’s...

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More Details

Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones and Ian Doyle are now partners on and off the job: Miro’s calm professionalism provides an ideal balance to Ian’s passion and quick temper. In a job where one misstep can be the difference between life and death, trust means everything. But every relationship has growing pains, and sometimes Miro stews about where he stands with his fiery lover. Could the heartstrings that so recently tied them together be in danger of unraveling?

Those new bonds are constantly challenged by family intrusions, well-intentioned friends, their personal insecurities, and their dangerous careers—including a trial by fire when an old case of Miro’s comes back to haunt them. It might just be enough to make Ian rethink his decision to let himself be tied down, and Miro can only hope the links they've forged will be strong enough to hold.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:318 pages
  • Publication:2020
  • Publisher:Self-Published
  • Edition:2nd edition
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08P2W6VV5

About Author

Mary Calmes

Mary Calmes

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