A Sinner at the Highland Court (The Highland Ladies #10)

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A Sinner at the Highland Court (The Highland Ladies #10)

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A disgraced former lady-in-waiting searching for redemption…Lady Madeline MacLeod left Robert the Bruce’s royal court five years ago when her...

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More Details

A disgraced former lady-in-waiting searching for redemption…

Lady Madeline MacLeod left Robert the Bruce’s royal court five years ago when her brother Laird Kieran MacLeod could no longer turn a blind eye to her vanity and spitefulness when it risked their clan’s standing and alliances. Dragged away and banished to Inchcailleoch Priory, the convent known as the “island of old women,” Madeline struggled to adjust but finally found peace and acceptance among the nuns. Prepared to take her final vows, a royal summons to return to Stirling Castle leads Madeline to a marriage of convenience. Temptation in the form of a handsome Highlander who’s now her husband makes Madeline question whether she’ll return to the sinner she was. Will giving into her desires for her husband ruin Madeline’s path to redemption?

A warrior in need of a wife to secure his inheritance…

Fingal Grant is the closest male relative to Laird Edward Grant and is the heir apparent to Clan Grant, one of the most powerful in the Highlands. Fingal always assumed he’d marry his distant cousin Cairstine, Edward’s daughter, to ensure no one questions his right to become the next laird. But when she marries Eoin Gordon, Fingal is in need of a wife who will one day run his keep and bear his children. Not interested in a love match, Fingal searches for a woman who won’t expect him to change his ways. The pious Madeline MacLeod is the perfect bride until Fingal realizes he doesn’t want his wife to ignore him. Can Fingal convince Madeline that desire between a husband and wife isn’t the carnal sin she fears?

A marriage of convenience that becomes most inconvenient…

Drawn to one another, Madeline and Fingal struggle to overcome their preconceived notions about marriage. Often insensitive and unobservant, Fingal realizes he has much to learn about being a husband and caring for someone else. Clinging to the life she thought she would have and the person she believes she should be, Madeline realizes she uses her faith as a shield that will push her husband away. When a neighboring clan pulls the newlyweds apart, Fingal and Madeline fear they’ve missed their chance for a marriage of love rather than convenience. Can Madeline and Fingal fight their way back to one another before the enemy separates them for good?

If you love scorching HOT Highlander romances with suspense, you’ll love this tale of love and redemption in Celeste Barclay’s newest installment to her Highland Ladies series. Pick up your copy today.

Welcome to Robert the Bruce’s Highland Court, where the ladies-in-waiting are a mixture of fire and ice. The Highland Ladies, the STEAMY spinoff series from Celeste Barclay’s The Clan Sinclair series, returns to the Medieval royal court for love and intrigue.

  • Format:
  • Pages:424 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Oliver Heber Books
  • Edition:
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  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08RSH49W9

About Author

Celeste Barclay

Celeste Barclay

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