The Silent Speak

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The Silent Speak

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“There’s a lunatic out there who butchered five innocent people and nobody is looking for him.”  Aoife Walsh has plenty keeping her...

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“There’s a lunatic out there who butchered five innocent people and nobody is looking for him.” 

Aoife Walsh has plenty keeping her busy—finalising her divorce from her manipulative husband, settling into her still-new relationship with Detective Conor Moloney, and trying to win the trust of his teenage son. So for the moment, her fledgeling career as a freelance journalist has been put on hold.  

Then comes the horrific news that an entire family has been slaughtered in their own home. Aoife is shocked to discover two of the victims were members of her on-again-off-again book club. Even more disturbing is the revelation that the police believe it was a murder-suicide. 

That’s when Aoife receives a tantalising offer. Lisa, the main suspect’s sister, will grant Aoife access to the victims’ extended family for an exclusive news story—if Aoife will help find the real killer. Moved by Lisa’s unwavering belief in her brother’s innocence, Aoife agrees to help.  

As she digs into the secrets of her fellow book club members, Aoife discovers potential suspects everywhere: people having affairs, a jealous husband, and a power-hungry business partner who’s clearly hiding something. 

Aoife keeps pulling at the threads of the story, untangling more and more deception. Is the killer really dead and buried? Is it someone Aoife already knows? Could the lunatic be closer than Aoife ever imagined? 

You won’t be able to put down this twisty thriller from international bestselling author Val Collins.


  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:214 pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:VCB Publishing
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08W4LPYDJ

About Author

Val  Collins

Val Collins

3.96 978 382
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