The Weekend

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The Weekend

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HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT FOR A SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE?It had been two years since Katie, a Supreme Court lawyer with a past she folds around herself...

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It had been two years since Katie, a Supreme Court lawyer with a past she folds around herself like blinders, met Jordan, a gorgeous, whiskey wielding god of a man. His wit was quick, and his smile sent tingles down her spine, not to mention the dimple he saved for her alone.

He works at the Round Robin bar of Willard Hotel where Katie stayed during sessions at Court where she flirted, safely and always at a distance because if Katie had one rule, it was no romantic relationships. It would hurt too much to risk the protective walls around her heart, that hid her painful secrets.

Until this weekend…

Katie is in town waiting for the the release of the vital LGBTQ+ Fullerton Case she she'd spent the last six months defending. While she waits for Monday’s opinion to be released, Jordan asks her out. Finally, after two years, of whiskey smiles and stranger's in the night, Jordan finds the key to breaking down the wall. The key to her heart dangles in his fingers.

Will she be brave enough to love again?

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:148 pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:Amazon
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B08VJJF87Q

About Author

J.L.  Bowman

J.L. Bowman

3.86 289 180
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