Inspired by The Holy Ghost

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Inspired by The Holy Ghost

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Aimee Cabo always found music therapeutic and discovering great meaning from songs started sharing music in her radio talk show, The Cure. As Aimee...

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More Details

Aimee Cabo always found music therapeutic and discovering great meaning from songs started sharing music in her radio talk show, The Cure. As Aimee grew in her relationship with God these meanings started to form into poetic messages that would follow the one minute of the song that was played on the radio show. The same song can give different messages according to the atmosphere, Aimee’s feeling and what was needed at the moment. It would follow the same idea from the one-minute clip of the song that was played as well as a key word, phrase or name of the song included to tie it together.

As a rule, Aimee regularly asked the holy spirit for assistance in remembering what she originally thought when first heard a particular song and would expand as necessary with what came to mind. As these poems were of great help to Aimee herself and after seeing how others appreciated them when they were posted in social media or heard on the radio, we decided to make it more available, in the hopes that they can comfort more people by including them in a book. Aimee says: “If the holy spirit helped me, then it can help others.”

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:105 pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:First
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1736797409
  • ISBN13:9781736797402
  • kindle Asin:B099CMRVY7

About Author

Aimee Cabo Nikolov

Aimee Cabo Nikolov

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