Prepper's Betrayal (Prepper's Apocalypse, #3)

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Prepper's Betrayal (Prepper's Apocalypse, #3)

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Prepper's Betrayal - Post-apocalyptic survival action and adventure thrillerA post-apocalyptic tale of friendship, betrayal, and survival when the...

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More Details

Prepper's Betrayal - Post-apocalyptic survival action and adventure thriller

A post-apocalyptic tale of friendship, betrayal, and survival when the odds are greatly in favor of annihilation. Tom and his family survived doomsday only to find the world falling into chaos and anarchy. EMP blasts had started the apocalypse during Tom and his family's return flight home from vacation. They struggled to get home only to find a drug cartel and skinhead group fighting to take over Southern Oregon, where they live. Only through strength and ingenuity can they prevail over the gangs and cartels. Tom adds people with the right skills to help him overcome his friend's betrayal and the vicious enemy. Survival is in doubt on a good day, but his group's prepper and survival skills are up to the task ahead of them even though the darkness ahead. Will they survive? Read Prepper's Betrayal to find out how the story ends.

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  • Edition:1
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  • kindle Asin:B095MC4S5F

About Author

A.J. Newman

A.J. Newman

4.33 12413 757
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