Liars (The Triad, #2)

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Liars (The Triad, #2)

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My boys found me, but a rift has formed.Weeks ago I was steadily gaining their trust, finding my place in their lives and their beds. Now, it seems...

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More Details

My boys found me, but a rift has formed.

Weeks ago I was steadily gaining their trust, finding my place in their lives and their beds. Now, it seems I’m the wedge driving the three of them apart.

I’ve been beaten, starved, and kept in the dark. All to come back to three men who can’t agree whether I’m an ally or a mole. But we have bigger problems to solve.

There’s a new player in the game.

The latest contender for the Dulca throne just so happens to be my favorite cousin. He was my best friend, my partner in crime. If I can get my boys to trust me long enough to keep them from starting a war, my family’s secret weapon could end up being the key to bringing our organizations together.

But I have no clue what Motshan is hiding up his sleeve, and we might not be able to come back from the carnage it could cause.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:208 pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:Dana Isaly
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B094R92GLX

About Author

Dana Isaly

Dana Isaly

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