Journeys Through TimeSpace

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Journeys Through TimeSpace

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As a powerful leader of a planet in the vast MultiVerse of time and space begins preparations for implementing his plan, young former college...

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More Details

As a powerful leader of a planet in the vast MultiVerse of time and space begins preparations for implementing his plan, young former college students from Earth are dispatched to a magical hidden place in the Himalayas to begin their own preparations.

Each side of this battle for the fate of Earth and her inhabitants must secure ancient treasures. Immense obstacles confront both sides as they work to obtain these powerful artifacts.

Not only must our young Earth heroes learn new knowledge and skills associated with ancient wisdom traditions, but they must travel to both Earth’s past and future to find the treasures needed to defend their world against a powerful enemy.

Explore how these three friends obtain the ability to time-travel and experience the adventures they encounter on their journeys through time. Follow them as they encounter life and death situations from various places in Earth’s past and future. The legendary continent of Atlantis plays an important role as well.

Secret Earth organizations are also players in this thrilling adventure. These ancient groups have been adversaries for hundreds of years. Their long-term battle becomes intense as Earth’s fate draws closer.

As the clock ticks, can Earth’s defenders succeed, or will the powerful reptilian humanoid leader and his followers achieve their plan for reality across the MultiVerse of time and space?

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:JayCeeAsh Publishing, LLC
  • Edition:
  • Language:
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:9781734038859
  • kindle Asin:

About Author

James Talisman

James Talisman

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