A Frame of Murder (Claire Andersen Murder for All Seasons #3)

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A Frame of Murder (Claire Andersen Murder for All Seasons #3)

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IT'S SUMMERTIME AND THE LIVIN' IS EASY...Until the murder startsIt’s finally summer in scenic Galway, Maryland, and the Appalachian hills are alive...

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Until the murder starts

It’s finally summer in scenic Galway, Maryland, and the Appalachian hills are alive with the scent of roses, the buzz of honeybees, and the hustle and bustle of tourist season. When she isn’t immersed in running her cozy Victorian bed and breakfast, now-seasoned hostess and chef extraordinaire Claire Andersen would love nothing more than to spend her afternoons tending to her garden in the idyllic peace and quiet Galway is known for. Trouble is, fate (with pesky Sheriff Sellers at the helm) has other plans: murder’s afoot! And who better than the region’s foremost amateur sleuth to crack the case?

First, Claire’s friend Cal Olmstead—talented up-and-coming artist and gallery owner—needs a little help tracking down an art thief. Turns out the prized centerpiece of internationally-renowned conceptual artist Judd Muchesco’s newest series was stolen from right under Cal’s nose. Claire makes quick work of the scene to clear Cal—and quirky, retired art burglar Foster Fourfingers. But it’s not long before theft turns to murder—and then yet another theft.

Le sigh, thinks our heroine, eyeing her wilting garden sorrowfully. Or she would, if only she had time on her hands for sulking. Befuddled, Sheriff Sellers enlists Claire’s help to outsmart the art thief and track down the murderer. And she’s finally getting somewhere… when her progress is thwarted by an unlikely frenemy even Evelyn didn’t see coming.

Speaking of… Claire’s delightful gal pals Evelyn and Ellen are keeping themselves busy with their newest venture in the artisan popcorn business, Claire’s faithful pup Rupert is spending most of his time seeking out a cooling nap in the shade, and the summer sun is finally heating things up between Claire and her longtime crush, Ray Hamilton. Recent uptick in crime aside, it’s a quaint and colourful scene just this side of Sunday on La Grande Jatte—or so it seems… Because Claire can’t shake the feeling that, unless she solves this mounting mystery soon, she’ll end up a tragic figure in a scene closer to Cezanne’s The Murder.

  • Format:
  • Pages:195 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Murder for All Seasons Publishing
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B095QW62S1

About Author

Imogen Plimp

Imogen Plimp

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