The Fallen Stones: Chasing Butterflies, Discovering Mayan Secrets, and Looking for Hope Along the Way

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The Fallen Stones: Chasing Butterflies, Discovering Mayan Secrets, and Looking for Hope Along the Way

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A Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and author of the national bestseller The Tenth Island finds hope and personal metamorphosis on a butterfly...

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A Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and author of the national bestseller The Tenth Island finds hope and personal metamorphosis on a butterfly farm in the Maya Mountains.

Atop a hill in the rainforest of Belize, next to the ruins of a fallen civilization, a butterfly farm raises the brilliant blue morpho.

What starts out as the worst vacation ever turns into a quest to learn more about the first-of-its-kind farm when journalist Diana Marcum inadvertently discovers this wildlife sanctuary, which is supported by an international live-butterfly trade.

She quickly becomes acquainted with Clive, the whimsical British millionaire whose childhood passion created an industry, and Sebastian, the Maya farm manager whose stern expression belies a soft heart. Before long Diana and her partner, Jack Moody—new to being a couple—have moved into a long-empty jungle house, cohabitating with bats, scorpions, toucans, iguanas, and the vulnerable but resilient butterflies. She comes to be obsessed with the array of iridescent creatures.

Just ahead, although they don’t know it, are a hurricane and a global pandemic.

This warm, funny tale of finding a way forward when the world seems to be falling apart is filled with the beauty of the natural world and a heartfelt cry to protect it—beginning with butterflies.

  • Format:
  • Pages:219 pages
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  • ISBN10:1542022843
  • ISBN13:9781542022842
  • kindle Asin:B0912FWVW5

About Author

Diana Marcum

Diana Marcum

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