It Started with a Sunset (Love Started #1)

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It Started with a Sunset (Love Started #1)

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For these two workplace opposites, attraction caught them by surprise.Summer Graham’s life is just how she likes it—surrounded by people in both...

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For these two workplace opposites, attraction caught them by surprise.

Summer Graham’s life is just how she likes it—surrounded by people in both her personal life and in her work life as an admissions recruiter at a university. Want to go on an adventure? She’s your gal. Want a serious relationship? She can probably introduce you to someone who does, but it’s not her.

Brock McMillan spends his time striving for perfection, being a good older brother, and enjoying his job helping students get college scholarships. Oh, and disagreeing with Summer on pretty much everything that goes on in the office.

Not that it’s purposeful. Their ideas are just kind of like their office spaces—Brock’s is minimalist and logical (but Summer will tell you it’s where ideas go to die) and Summer’s is lively, fun, and creative (but Brock will tell you it’s chaotic).

They’re unwillingly teamed up to run Aquamoose Tracks together—the big overnight event put on by the Welcome Center at the university where they both work. And even though the event is literally all fun and games (and, okay, a healthy dose of info), neither of them thinks they’ll survive working together so closely.

And they definitely never expect to fall in love.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:298 pages
  • Publication:2021
  • Publisher:Mountain Heights Publishing
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B09HJZ4WM6

About Author

Meg Easton

Meg Easton

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