Battle Mage 1: Academy for Magical Inmates (Battle Mage, #1)

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Battle Mage 1: Academy for Magical Inmates (Battle Mage, #1)

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Stealing from a mage was both the best and worst thing I had ever done.After being caught, I was named a criminal and sent to a prison known as the...

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More Details

Stealing from a mage was both the best and worst thing I had ever done.

After being caught, I was named a criminal and sent to a prison known as the Jade Bastion. Located at the Edge of the World, this prison carries a secret. Those inmates who have magical abilities are trained in the most powerful magic known to the empire: battle magic.

To survive, I will need to discover a secret I didn't know I possessed. I can become more powerful through bonding with the other beautiful, magically inclined inmates.

This will be my greatest trial yet, but if I can grow stronger, I might just survive it and become a Battle Mage.

  • Format:
  • Pages:358 pages
  • Publication:
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  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B09JFHT9DF

About Author

Dante King

Dante King

4.38 38904 2433
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