Dragon Lover (Dragon's Blood M.C. #12)

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Dragon Lover (Dragon's Blood M.C. #12)

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Grey Adair, Dragon Knight of the Laramie Circle, is getting a little fed up with all these couples around him. Most of his brothers and their fellow...

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Grey Adair, Dragon Knight of the Laramie Circle, is getting a little fed up with all these couples around him. Most of his brothers and their fellow dragons of Clan Keith have found their forever mates and settled into the life of bliss and fulfillment. Meanwhile, Grey is left to still troll the Red Lion looking for company. He loves his brothers and their mates; he just wishes fate would smile on him as well. One night at the Red Lion, confused as to why his dragon was uninterested in everyone they met, the moment came. He saw his fate-chosen beloved walk across the bar, and his world shifted. Soon he had the man in his arms and his bed, ready to begin forever. Grey can hardly believe his luck. Never has a mating gone so smooth, until it doesn’t. Grey only leaves for a few moments, and his mate is gone, disappeared into the Laramie night. Grey is frantic. He doesn’t even know Peter’s last name...

Peter Smith is enraptured by the man at the Red Lion; he is everything Peter has been looking for in a hookup. Peter doesn’t dare hope this will be anything more. Once he’s in Grey’s arms, he allows himself to dream and hope and wonder; maybe this is for more than just tonight. But when he awakes to an empty bed, he knows the drill. He grabs his clothes and makes a quick exit. He’s sad, but at least he had tonight. He’s away for work for the next few days, so that should give him the space he needs to forget how good it felt in Grey’s arms. If only he knew his last name or why he left. Little does Peter know that something very important to his future and the future of the Laramie circle is now growing inside of him.

Can Grey fix what he has broken? Can he make Peter understand that this is forever? Can he stop the forces arrayed against them from causing harm to his mate and his unborn child?

Fate is never wrong.

  • Format:
  • Pages:114 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Superiorland Publishing
  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B09JMKMGDB

About Author

B.A. Stretke

B.A. Stretke

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