The Eldemari's Wrath (The Menocht Loop #3)

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The Eldemari's Wrath (The Menocht Loop #3)

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Ian Dunai thought he was powerless.He’s not alone: only a small percent of the population have high enough affinities to perform magic. But in the...

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More Details

Ian Dunai thought he was powerless.

He’s not alone: only a small percent of the population have high enough affinities to perform magic. But in the eyes of his father’s gifted family, Ian’s impotence is a disgrace—and the stain of his mother’s common blood.

But on one fateful day, Ian awakens not in his college dorm but in the middle of the ocean on an old dinghy. Reaching land is the least of his problems as he encounters risen skeletons, tortured captives, and a shoreside city in the throes of contagion.

Ian doesn’t last very long without magic. But death isn’t the end: Ian wakes back up on the dinghy and relives the day again...and again...and again.

As Ian investigates the purpose of the loop and a way to escape, he begins to realize that he might be more powerful than anyone—especially himself—ever imagined.

  • Format:
  • Pages:555 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Timeless Wind Publishing LLC
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1956021094
  • ISBN13:9781956021097
  • kindle Asin:B09RVXQSBM

About Author

Lorne Ryburn

Lorne Ryburn

4.19 4680 191
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