Under His Protection (White Rose Trilogy, #1)

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Under His Protection (White Rose Trilogy, #1)

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Most debutantes meet their intendeds at polite societal gatherings, not over a duel in Hyde Park. However, Greyland Kingston is not your typical...

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Most debutantes meet their intendeds at polite societal gatherings, not over a duel in Hyde Park.

However, Greyland Kingston is not your typical young lady, and her family is far from conventional. The gossip fans start to flutter when Greyland, her two older brothers, and distinguished father make their debut. Who is this family? How do they know The Queen? Why does the patriarch look like the ghost of the long-ago Plantagenet King, Edward the IV?

Alexander Hamilton, the notoriously dangerous "Dark Lord" and new Duke of Ravenswood, is about to learn how unique the family is when he becomes unwittingly entangled with the Kingstons from New Orleans—one family member in particular. With her spirited personality and innocent aversion to all things proper, Greyland Kingston completely throws him off his well-established game. When trouble ensues in the form of jealous women, ambitious men, and a vengeful Irish clan, Alexander quickly finds having Greyland for his own will come at a steep price…

And he must risk everything to keep her protected.

  • Format:
  • Pages:288 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Dragon Crest Publishing
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B09Z7DFJZW

About Author

Stacy Von Haegert

Stacy Von Haegert

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