One Enchanted Evening

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One Enchanted Evening

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Step into the world of Katie Fforde where love, romance and the happiest of happy endings are just around the corner. The new novel by the number one...

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Step into the world of Katie Fforde where love, romance and the happiest of happy endings are just around the corner. The new novel by the number one bestselling author and queen of feel-good romance.

Ever since she can remember, Meg has wanted to be a professional cook.

But it's 1964, and in restaurant kitchens it is still a man's world. So Meg is currently cooking directors' lunches in London and making canapés and fancy cakes for cocktail and tea parties.

Then she gets a call from her mother who is running a small country hotel in Dorset. Her mother needs help in the hotel kitchen, and she needs it now!

When Meg arrives, the hotel seems stuck in the past and unable to generate sufficient income to last the summer. Loving the challenge, Meg sets to work. There's an important banqueting event coming up and she vows to make it a big success.

But when Justin, the son of the hotel owner and chef of a rival hotel, roars up on his motor bike he seems determined to push her out and take over the running of the kitchen. Doesn't she know, he asks, that women can't cook professionally?

Infuriated, Meg is determined to keep her place in the kitchen and sparks begin to fly. The magical theatrical evening that the hotel have been planning could now be ruined.

Will their differences be a recipe for disaster, or will they prove to have all the ingredients for a happy ever after?

After all, the course of true love never did run smooth...

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  • ISBN10:1529136156
  • ISBN13:9781529136159
  • kindle Asin:B0BF3K5CWM

About Author

Katie Fforde

Katie Fforde

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