Under the Earth, Over the Sky

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Under the Earth, Over the Sky

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In the woods where human lands meet fae, an ancient king born before the history of men finds a dying baby.Iohmar will take in the child and care for...

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More Details

In the woods where human lands meet fae, an ancient king born before the history of men finds a dying baby.

Iohmar will take in the child and care for him until a suitable home in the human realm is found. But best laid plans often go awry in the lands of Látwill, where winds carry fae across the star-strewn sky, the woods ensnare the weak-minded with their sinister song, and even Iohmar, King Beneath the Earth, is susceptible to the will of the immortal mountains.

Magic long tethered to Iohmar’s soul will crumble. Unknown shadows and monsters of mirrored glass will encroach upon the borders of their land. And memories thousands of years lost will unravel as Iohmar struggles not only to properly rule his fair folk, but protect the fragile human son he never should have saved in the first place.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:304 pages
  • Publication:2022
  • Publisher:Oceans in the Sky Press
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:1735442143
  • ISBN13:9781735442143
  • kindle Asin:B0B665Q5KR

About Author

Emily McCosh

Emily McCosh

4.18 1231 358
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