Meant for the Marquess (Second Sons of London, #7)

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Meant for the Marquess (Second Sons of London, #7)

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An army major compelled to leave the military. A lady forced to earn her living. Two souls finding a new way of life . . . and each other . . . along...

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An army major compelled to leave the military. A lady forced to earn her living. Two souls finding a new way of life . . . and each other . . . along with love.

A brutal attack leaves Major Devin Hunt missing two fingers. Unable to fire a gun, he sells his commission and takes refuge with a former fellow officer who has now become a duke. His friend offers Devin the opportunity to become the estate’s steward and forge a new life.

Lady Julia Birmingham loses both her parents just before she makes her come-out. Her half-brother, who never considered her family, banishes Julia from her childhood home and she is forced to earn her living, eventually becoming the governess to the Duke of Woodmont’s nephews.

Devin asks the family governess to help him to learn to write with his left hand, knowing keeping records is an important part of his new position. Their attraction turns into love and Devin is ready to spend his life with Julia—until he suddenly becomes the Marquess of Bedford.

Can Devin convince Julia they can have a life together—or will his new title and wealth tear them apart?

Find the answer in bestselling author Alexa Aston’s Meant for the Marquess, the final book in Second Sons of London.

  • Format:
  • Pages:252 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.
  • Edition:1
  • Language:
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B0BH7YQ2CL

About Author

Alexa Aston

Alexa Aston

4.40 73922 5391
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