Laike (The Eisenberg Effect Book 3)

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Laike (The Eisenberg Effect Book 3)

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She’s a good girl . And she has a thing for bad boys . It’s the reason I had to let her go. I knew that I was a mistake she was willing to make...

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She’s a good girl . And she has a thing for bad boys . It’s the reason I had to let her go. I knew that I was a mistake she was willing to make over and over, again. I loved her too much to hurt her , but that didn’t give anyone else the right to. She’s too pure and too precious . And, I’d do any nigga dirty that dared to play with her heart. I wasn’t even the exception when it came to her. That’s why I knew I had to get my shit together and cater to her heart the way only I could. And until she was mine again , I’d go to war with any nigga, empty my bank accounts, ignite fires between us, sing every love song known to man, and grovel at her feet. Because I wouldn’t rest until she belonged to me . He’s a heartbreaker . And I’m still recovering from that time he broke mine . Year after year after year, I trick myself into believing that I’m over it – that I’m over him . But then I see his face and the feelings we once shared resurface . We were young and we were in love, but it was a love I was willing to do anything for. He was someone I was willing to do anything for . Suddenly, he decided that my love wasn’t enough . While he went on with his life, mine was always stuck on pause. Then, suddenly, I decided that love waits for no on e and allowed it into my world again. Happiness has found me in the form of a chocolate, successful black man , yet, I’m still wondering if I would be even happier with him .

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  • kindle Asin:B0BH9GNF9Z

About Author

Grey Huffington

Grey Huffington

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