Lessons at Blackberry Inn: Adventures with the Gentle Art of Learning

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Lessons at Blackberry Inn: Adventures with the Gentle Art of Learning

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Experience life in a Charlotte Mason-style homeschool and join in the adventures of Carol and her family as they discover what the author calls "The...

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Experience life in a Charlotte Mason-style homeschool and join in the adventures of Carol and her family as they discover what the author calls "The Gentle Art of Learning" (TM) in this heartwarming story. Readers say that Mrs. Andreola s writing style has both a calming and a nurturing effect. Lessons at Blackberry Inn offers practical encouragement to new and veteran homeschool moms alike. Fresh homeschooling ideas and the love of family are cleverly woven into the fabric of this endearing narrative. Karen s original cross-stitch on the cover also expresses her love of home.
The lessons moms will glean will strengthen their faith, and help them rise above hardships to more fully enjoy the many blessings of being a wife and mother. Reading the story is like joining Karen in her sunny parlor over a cup of tea, as she intimately shares from her lifetime of experience in what she calls "The Mother Culture" (TM). Nigel Andreola s beautiful illustrations help bring the setting of the 1930s back to life. Although thousands have eagerly awaited this sequel to Pocketful of Pinecones, enough introductions have been included so new readers can jump right into the action.
If you are one of the nearly 100,000 moms who enjoyed Karen's bestselling A Charlotte Mason Companion, or are looking for an easy way to spark new life in your homeschool, you won't want to miss reading Lessons at Blackberry Inn!

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:232 pages
  • Publication:2009
  • Publisher:Charlotte Mason Research & Supply Company
  • Edition:Second
  • Language:en-US
  • ISBN10:1889209058
  • ISBN13:9781889209050
  • kindle Asin:1889209058

About Author

Karen Andreola

Karen Andreola

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