The Moving Target (Lew Archer, #1)

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The Moving Target (Lew Archer, #1)

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Like many Southern California millionaires, Ralph Sampson keeps odd company - there's the sun-worshipping holy man to whom Sampson once gave his very...

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Like many Southern California millionaires, Ralph Sampson keeps odd company - there's the sun-worshipping holy man to whom Sampson once gave his very own mountain, and don't forget the fading actress with sidelines in astrology and S and M. Now one of Sampson's friends may have arranged his kidnapping.

Lew Archer follows the clues from the canyon sanctuaries of the mega-rich to jazz joints where you get beaten up between sets.

Welcome to the first Lew Archer, private investigator - a roving conscience who walks the treacherous frontier between criminal guilt and human sin. You are sure to find that Ross Macdonald's "The Moving Target" blends sex, greed, and family hatred into an explosively readable crime novel.

  • Format:
  • Pages:246 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Vintage Crime/Black Lizard
  • Edition:Reprint
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:037570146X
  • ISBN13:9780375701467
  • kindle Asin:B004DEPH7U

About Author

Ross Macdonald

Ross Macdonald

3.96 53863 5102
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