House of Striking Oaths (The Kingdom of Crows, #3)

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House of Striking Oaths (The Kingdom of Crows, #3)

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I WILL BECOME QUEEN OF LUCE… OR DIE TRYING.There are few people I loathe more than Dante Regio, but my aunt Bronwen, my former grandfather Justus,...

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There are few people I loathe more than Dante Regio, but my aunt Bronwen, my former grandfather Justus, and my Shabbin grandmother Meriam sit right alongside the Faerie monarch on my list of despicable beings. Especially after they assist the pointy-eared ruler with my kidnapping.

Locked in an obsidian underworld no Crow can reach, not even their king, I soon learn things aren’t as they seem. People aren’t as they seem. And history… I’m still attempting to reconcile the truth with what I was previously told.

My new allies have an agenda, but I have one of my own. Though there’s overlap—we all agree Dante must die—what I desire more than anything is to return to Lore before he levels the kingdom to find me… or loses his humanity trying.

I may favor crowns over coffins, but I refuse to live in a world where my mate only exists as a bird.

Strap in for one last romantic and pulse-pounding adventure in a world governed by magic and hearts.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:2023
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B0BRVNBBSV

About Author

Olivia Wildenstein

Olivia Wildenstein

4.10 109121 13260
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