The King of Kahel

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The King of Kahel

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Tierno Monenembo's The King of Kahel was originally published in France in 2008 and was the winner of the French literary prize, the prix Renaudot,...

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Tierno Monenembo's The King of Kahel was originally published in France in 2008 and was the winner of the French literary prize, the prix Renaudot, which is awarded to the author of an outstanding original novel.  Loosely based on the life of Olivier de Sanderval, a man who journeyed to Guinea to build an empire by conquering the hostile region of Fouta Djallon, the book exposes how Sanderval braves all dangers to build a railway that will bring modern civilization to Africa. 

About the Author
Tierno Monénembo is the winner of France's 2008 prix Renaudot, which is awarded annually to the author of an outstanding original novel. He was honored with the prize for his book, The King of Kahel. Born in 1947 in Guinea, Tierno Monénembo was exiled to Senegal and the Ivory Coast before moving to France in 1973 to pursue a doctorate in biochemistry. He is the author of nine books and one stage play.

Nicholas Elliott is a writer and translator based in New York and anywhere he accompanies his laptop. As a translator, Nicholas specializes in film, photo and art books. In 2007, he shared a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship with co-translator Elizabeth Williamson for their translation of Michel Azama's play Vie et mort de Pier Paolo Pasolini (Life and Death of Pier Paolo Pasolini). The King of Kahel is his first translation of a work of fiction.

  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:Amazon Crossings
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:0982555075
  • ISBN13:9780982555071
  • kindle Asin:B003HOXLIE

About Author

Tierno Monénembo

Tierno Monénembo

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