The Killer Within: In the Company of Monsters

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The Killer Within: In the Company of Monsters

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He has been able to forge trusting relationships with his subjects, enabling him to extract the facts behind their infamous acts and identify what...

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He has been able to forge trusting relationships with his subjects, enabling him to extract the facts behind their infamous acts and identify what motivated them to commit their horrific crimes.

Carlo's investigative achievements are remarkable, but what wasn't known to his readers is that, while working on The Ice Man, he learned he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a terminal illness that causes all of the muscles in the body to atrophy over time. Suddenly, after years of penetrating the minds of killers, Carlo found himself being pursued by the grim reaper. But rather than lying down and succumbing to the disease, Carlo continued to work, and his books are still being published, to both critical and commercial acclaim.

In The Killer Within, Carlo documents his difficult experiences with ALS and explains how he has managed to continue to write prodigiously in the face of adversity. The Killer Within is a gripping, suspenseful page turner that pulls the reader into the netherworld of Mafia bosses, Mafia hit men and serial killers, as well as the hard realities of dealing with a fatal disease.

  • Format:
  • Pages: pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:159020431X
  • ISBN13:9781590204313
  • kindle Asin:B07RW4J9LZ

About Author

Philip Carlo

Philip Carlo

4.04 27264 1722
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