The Exultant Ark: a Pictorial Tour of Animal Pleasure

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The Exultant Ark: a Pictorial Tour of Animal Pleasure

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Nature documentaries often depict animal life as a grim struggle for survival, but this visually stunning book opens our eyes to a different, more...

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Nature documentaries often depict animal life as a grim struggle for survival, but this visually stunning book opens our eyes to a different, more scientifically up-to-date way of looking at the animal kingdom. In more than one hundred striking images, The Exultant Ark celebrates the full range of animal experience with dramatic portraits of animal pleasure ranging from the charismatic and familiar to the obscure and bizarre. These photographs, windows onto the inner lives of pleasure seekers, show two polar bears engaged in a bout of wrestling, hoary marmots taking time for a game of chase, Japanese macaques enjoying a soak in a hot spring, a young bull elk sticking out his tongue to catch snowflakes, and many other amusements. Biologist and best-selling author Jonathan Balcombe is our guide through the images, interpreting them within the scientific context of what is known about animal behavior. In the end, old attitudes fall away as we gain a heightened sense of animal individuality and sentience, and of the pleasures of life on planet Earth.

  • Format:
  • Pages:214 pages
  • Publication:
  • Publisher:
  • Edition:First, First Edition
  • Language:en-US
  • ISBN10:0520260244
  • ISBN13:9780520260245
  • kindle Asin:B004SC2TV4

About Author

Jonathan Balcombe

Jonathan Balcombe

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