Sadie Conall

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Sadie Conall

9 Published BooksSadie Conall

I’ve been writing stories since I was a child. I'll read anything, but the book has to grab me from the first page and if I can achieve that in my own stories, then I think that’s when a little bit of magic happens.

I've written three series.

The first is the Madeleine series, an historical American frontier series of nine books which has some paranormal for those who love Native American folklore, spirit guides and spirit animals. The first book begins in 1799 in the Pacific Northwest of America, long before the west was settled by Europeans, when tribes still fought with bows and arrows and lances and when bison herds still numbered in their millions. There are five books already published, with the last three books to be published in 2024. This series is about love and loss, of ambition and greed, of jealousy and hate and ultimately revenge.

Order of the series:
When the Wolf Loves
When the Wolf Hunts
When the Wolf Bites
When the Wolf Dreams
When the Wolf Breathes
Book 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be coming in 2024

My second series is two books in the escape west by wagon train series. This tells the adventures of two young women escaping west to start new lives.

Order of the series:
Both these books are in Amazon Prime.

The three book Archard series will follow on from this series. To be published 2025.

My third series is Brides Bound for Oregon, written under the name of Quinn Carno. This seemed a good idea to use another name to keep this series separate from my Sadie Conall books, as I co-wrote these books with Carena McGregor, a friend I've known for more than thirty years who shares my love of writing. It was fun to step outside my writing cave after ten years of doing this alone, to share this experience with someone else. The second and last book in the two-book series will be out sometime in 2024. Meanwhile you can enjoy the story of Sera and Colette which starts off in 1849. When Colette decides to leave her old life behind in Philadelphia and head west to Oregon as a mail order bride, she encourages her sister-in-law Sera to join her as her companion. This is a heartwarming story of loss, courage and love and starting a whole new life far from home and all the challenges and frustrations that go with that. Read about the moments of joy, tragedy and unforeseen twists in the two women’s destinies. Meet Wyatt, Quentin and baby Charlie. Meet Buck and Ansel and Burley, all tough men used to a hard life on the frontier but most of all, meet Sera and Colette, two women who lost everything who slowly begin to rebuild their lives. We hope you enjoy this story. We're so proud of this endeavor together. You can find it by looking for Carena McGregor or Quinn Carno here on Goodreads.

All my books are in Amazon and free to those in KindleUnlimited

Come visit me at or write to me at [email protected]