Radu Paraschivescu

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Radu Paraschivescu

133 Published BooksRadu Paraschivescu

Radu Paraschivescu was born in 1960 in Bucharest, and grew up in Lugoj (Timiş), where he suffered a severe regime on home made chocolate, sugar candy and Doboş cake; he was accustomed to the idea that life is sweet and must be greedily crunched.

He is a translator and co-author of two reference works in the sports literature (Larousse Encyclopedia of footbal and Athens Olympic Games in Athens: 1896-2004). He translated nearly sixty books of English, American, Canadian and French authors.

He published two novels (Efemeriada şi Balul fantomelor), a volume of stories about Bucharest (Bazar bizar) and one essay about dishonesty in sports (Fanionul roșu - 2005), for which he received the "Ioan Chirilă" National Award for best sports book of the year.

He also wrote:
Mi-e rău la cap, mă doare mintea - 2007
Fie-ne tranziţia uşoară - Perle româneşti - 2006
Ghidul nesimţitului - 2006
Dintre sute de clişee - 2009