Brittany Fichter

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Brittany Fichter

56 Published BooksBrittany Fichter

An Air Force wife, mommy of a little fairy, and Las Vegas native, my life is far from boring. I've written stories since I could hold a pen, so writing for a living is a dream come true, one that I carry out while staying at home with my baby girl. When I'm not writing or blogging, I can be found having fun with my family (husband, daughter, and spoiled black Labrador), doing chores (would much prefer writing), reading, going to church, belting Disney princess songs, exercising, or decorating cakes

I'm in love with stories. I've been narrating life in my head since I was little. It helps me to better understand life if I can hear it as if it were a story. Because if it is a story, it means, thanks the grace of God, there will be a happy ending. Living with Tourette Syndrome, chronic anxiety, and OCD tendencies (which I write about extensively on my other website,, gives me the need to put life in perspective again on days when I struggle with my disorders. Writing fantasy helps me to do just that.