Anthony Etherin

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Anthony Etherin

17 Published BooksAnthony Etherin

Anthony Etherin is a writer of experimental formal poetry.

He frequently tweets short palindromic, anagrammatic and formal poetry @Anthony_Etherin.

Anthony's poetry uses both traditional forms and strict lettristic constraints, sometimes simultaneously. Included in his oeuvre are palindromic and anagrammatic sonnets, anagrammed palindromes (two or more palindromes that are anagrams of each other) and 'aelindromes', a letter-based constraint of Anthony's own invention.

His chapbooks are Cellar (Penteract Press, 2018), Danse Macabre (above/ground press, 2018), Quartets (Penteract Press, 2019), Otherworld (No Press, 2019), and Thaumaturgy (above/ground press, 2020).

His full-length collection “Stray Arts (and Other Inventions)” was published by Penteract Press in October 2019.