Jean-Philippe Aumasson

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Jean-Philippe Aumasson

5 Published BooksJean-Philippe Aumasson

Jean-Philippe (JP) Aumasson is cofounder and chief security officer of Taurus, a global provider of crypto asset management technology for financial institutions. He's also a cryptographer, author of the reference book Serious Cryptography, and co-designer of the algorithms BLAKE2, BLAKE3, SipHash, and MLH-DSA. He holds a PhD from EPFL, Switzerland, and gave research and outreach talks at major events such as Black Hat USA, and DEF CON. JP's work has been featured in Wire, Techcrunch, Ars Technica, Threatpost, and other major online magazines.

JP was described as a "luminary" and "well-regarded expert in crypt analysis"​ (sic) by journalists, and as "a classic cryptographer and quite an understandable of the sort".