Mark E. Fisher

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Mark E. Fisher

16 Published BooksMark E. Fisher

Mark wrote his first twelve pages at the age of ten, complete with drawings of a prairie fire, Indians, and a stampede. More recently he’s authored books of epic fantasy and historical fiction for the Christian and the general market. Mark E. Fisher’s eighth novel begins a series of Christian end-times thrillers based on the book of Revelation.

At various times, he has welded rails for the railroad, inspected glass in a glass factory, given checks to welfare clients, and programmed micro-code for IBM. He has helped plant a church and is active in Christian missions. He and his wife enjoy traveling with recent visits to Japan, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, France, Italy, and Switzerland. Sometimes, on his travels, stories seek him out. Once a month, he plays guitar in the church band.

Mark's latest series of Christian end-times thrillers, DAYS OF THE APOCALYPSE, became an Amazon bestseller. The fifth and final book in the series is published in April, 2024.

Prior to this, Mark wrote three novels of Christian historical fiction set in ancient, Celtic Ireland. DEATH OF THE MASTER BUILDER, set in Renaissance Italy, followed and was written for the general market.

Mark has also published an epic high-fantasy series, The SCEPTER AND TOWER trilogy for young adults.