Audrey Tang

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Audrey Tang

7 Published BooksAudrey Tang

Audrey is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol), and author - "The Leader's Guide to Resilience" 2021 (prev. The Leader's Guide to Mindfulness" (Pearson & FT, 2018) and "Be A Great Manager - Now" (Pearson, 2016 and Book of the Month in WH Smith Travel Stores)) with a focus on practical self improvement. She is the resident psychologist on The Chrissy B Show (Sky) the UK's only TV programme dedicated to mental health and wellbeing and a presenter and wellness advocate fronting "Psych Back to Basics" on DisruptiveTV. She regularly offers expert comment as a psychologist through TV, Radio and published media on mental wellness, and broadcasts self development podcast "Retrain Your Brain".  A member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), she keynotes at National and International conferences in the fields of resilience, leadership and team cohesion, is a CPD accredited trainer and FIRO-B profiler, and regularly consults and hosts webinars & lectures offering accessible and effective practical self-improvement tools for personal and professional success.

YouTube channel: Dr Audrey Tang - YouTube 
Twitter/IG: @draudreyt
Email: [email protected]