D.E. McCluskey

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D.E. McCluskey

36 Published BooksD.E. McCluskey

I love horror, and I love Christmas. Some would say that the two are not mutually associated, I would tell you different.

I started writing at Christmas, back in the days of yore. I was reading The Night Before Christmas, by Clement Clarke Moore to my daughter who was too excited to sleep. But, I used my secret weapon, my boring voice she was soon catching the right amount of zzzzz's... As I tiptoed out of the room, giving Santa the space he needed to do his bit, I thought to myself, you know what? I could write something like that...

So I did...

The good Behaviour Act was written, the first story in Interesting Tymes, my very first publication.

I live in sunny Liverpool in the UK with my partner and daughters, I used to work in IT but don't anymore, and am the happier person for it. I love football, music and film... I also enjoy long walks, pretty flowers, and gratuitous violence and nudity...

I can be found mostly on Facebook @demccluskey_author
or on Twitter @dammagedpro @demccluskey1

my website is www.dammaged.com