C.R. Wiley

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C.R.  Wiley

6 Published BooksC.R. Wiley

C. R. Wiley is a Presbyterian minister living in the Pacific Northwest. He has written for Touchstone Magazine, Modern Reformation, Sacred Architecture, The Imaginative Conservative, Front Porch Republic, National Review Online, and First Things, among others. His short fiction has appeared in The Mythic Circle (published by the Mythopoeic Society) and elsewhere, and he has published young adult fiction. He is one of the hosts of The Theology Pugcast (a podcast available on iTunes and elsewhere), and he has been a commercial real estate investor and a building contractor. He also taught philosophy to undergraduates for a time. He is the Vice President of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, and a board member of New Saint Andrews College.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.