Erica Boyce

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Erica Boyce

2 Published BooksErica Boyce

Erica has been writing since she was in third grade. She wrote an illustrated story about an awkward encounter between a Thanksgiving turkey and a hunter and never looked back. Since then, she's written angsty poetry in high school, angsty short stories as an English/Creative Writing major at Dartmouth College, less-angsty legal memos as a student at Harvard Law School, and her first novel, a speculative-ish work of literary fiction entitled THE FIFTEEN WONDERS OF DANIEL GREEN.

She is currently a member of the Massachusetts bar and an Associate Fiction Editor at Pangyrus. For her day job, she works with fishermen and community organizers across the country to help keep small-boat fishing fleets in business. She lives outside Boston with her husband and dog. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, crafting, reading (of course), and adjectives. She is represented by Eric Smith of P.S. Literary.