Sky Nelson-Isaacs

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Sky Nelson-Isaacs

2 Published BooksSky Nelson-Isaacs

SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a theoretical physicist, speaker, musician, and author of "Leap to Wholeness: How the World is Programmed to Help Us Grow, Heal, and Adapt".

He has a masters degree in physics from San Francisco State University, with a thesis in String Theory, and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. Nelson-Isaacs has dedicated his life to finding his own sense of purpose, beginning as a student of the Yogic master Sri Swami Satchidananda when he was less than five years old. Discovering an early fascination with holograms and some of the most fundamental questions in physics, he has sought for over two decades to establish a connection between synchronicity, physics, and real life using research and original ideas. His most recent research has been published in the scientific journal Quantum Reports. An educator with nine years of classroom experience, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions.