Andy Giesler

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Andy Giesler

2 Published BooksAndy Giesler

When I was little, I fell in love with science fiction. (Andre Norton and Ray Bradbury: thank you, wherever you are.) In high school, I fell in love with fantasy. (J.R.R. Tolkien: thank you; even though you were a human, I hope you're in Valinor.)

In college, majoring in computer science made me love science fiction even more, and majoring in philosophy made me love reading a curious assortment of things.

Besides reading, I'm a writer. As you probably know, I have to talk about my author persona in third person. Sorry. I don't make the rules.

In fourth grade, Andy Giesler fell in love with writing. His debut novel, Attack of the Dinosaurs, was seventeen pages long: the heart-pounding tale of Alaskan scientists using nuclear bombs to prospect for gasoline and—as happens all too often—inadvertently waking frozen dinosaurs. Many years later while reading bedtime stories to his kids, he fell in love with writing all over again. This time, he decided to do something about it.

Andy has been a library page, dairy science programmer, teacher, technical writer, and healthcare software developer. He’s a husband, father, and nonprofit web consultant living in Madison, Wisconsin.