Lancelot Schaubert

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Lancelot Schaubert

28 Published BooksLancelot Schaubert

"Schaubert recounts a mischievous man's eight decades in Illinois's Little Egypt region in his picaresque debut BELL HAMMERS. Remmy's life of constant schemes and pranks and a lifelong feud with classmate Jim Johnstone and the local oil drilling company proves consequential. This is a hoot."
- Publisher's Weekly

He's also the author of the children's picture book horror Harry Rides the Danger, the editor for Of Gods and Globes III (+ vol. 1 + vol 2), Tap and Die, and The Greenwood Poet.

His work Cold Brewed reinvented the photonovel for the digital age and caught the attention of the Missouri Tourism Board who commissioned him to write and direct a second photonovel, The Joplin Undercurrent, in partnership with award-winning photographer, Mark Neuenschwander.

Two excerpts of Lancelot Schaubert's ( debut novel BELL HAMMERS sold to The New Haven Review ( Yale's Institute Library ) and The Misty Review, while a third excerpt was selected as a finalist for the last Glimmer Train Fiction Open in history. He has also sold poetry, fiction, and nonfiction to TOR (MacMillan), The Anglican Theological Review, McSweeney's, Poker Pro's World Series Edition, The Poet's Market, Writer's Digest, and many similar markets.

Spark + Echo chose him for their 2019 artist in residency, commissioning him to write four short stories.

He remains a committed husband to the grooviest girl on earth and is a public advocate for more free range trees. You know, Ents. To that end he guerilla planted over 400 acorns in New York City.