Louisa Duval

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Louisa Duval

15 Published BooksLouisa Duval

Louisa Duval is an Australian author who writes small town, contemporary romance set in Ballydoon, where the heroes are rugged as the landscape around them, and the stories steamier than an Aussie heat wave.
Louisa has worked in radio, recruitment, education, freelance writing and corporate communications, and once traipsed around a national park looking for wombat burrows.
When she isn’t working in the city, she spends as much time as possible with her family at their riverside acreage watching the wallabies and drinking the local wine. She is a proud supporter of her local rural fire brigade and hopes she will never be in the front line of a bushfire and admires those who have.
She lives with her husband, two kids, a lazy cattle dog-Kelpie cross, three chickens, and many indoor plants.