John Lawrence

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John       Lawrence

3 Published BooksJohn Lawrence

John Lawrence was born in New York, grew up England, and attended Georgetown University where he told his career advisor that the only thing he did not want to be was a doctor. He subsequently survived medical school and residency training in Utah.

This is his first book, a candid memoir of transforming from an uncertain, head injured, liberal-arts student, into a medical doctor. The follow up books in the series cover residency training with both increasing responsibility and accompanying fear.

John was not the typical medical student, sneaking out of the hospital whilst on-call to audition for television shows in order to pay the rent; writing film scripts (one of which is available here on Amazon) and overcoming a nagging imposter syndrome.

John has been a river rafting guide, ski race coach, bagel baker, screenwriter, film director, expedition doctor climbing Kilimanjaro with his close friend, Olympic Hall of Fame athlete, Chris Waddell, (Chris is the first paraplegic to summit Kilimanjaro un-assisted).

John worked as a doctor for 20 years in both traditional western medicine and functional medicine. He enjoys biking, skiing, cooking and watching films with friends and family.