Kris Butler

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Kris  Butler

44 Published BooksKris Butler

Kris Butler writes under a pen name to have some separation from her everyday life. Writing has become her second love, providing a safe place to normalize mental health through her characters. Kris enjoys writing emotional books with flawed characters, sassy heroines, and all the book boyfriends she loves to drool over. You can find her at home most nights reading with her husband and furbaby, trying to maintain her nerdy sock collection, or playing tabletop games with her friends. Kris loves to talk with readers about her books, even if it’s just them yelling at her for that cliffhanger. If you enjoyed her book, please consider leaving a review. You can find her in her reader group or on social media.

Follow Kris's journey as an author on Instagram (@authorkrisbutler) and Facebook, and join her reader group (Kris Butler's Misfit Penguins) for exclusive content.

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