Micca Michaels

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Micca Michaels

10 Published BooksMicca Michaels

Micca Michaels is a Paranormal, Why Choose author. She’s extended her writing to Contemporary once and is looking forward to writing books in more genres. She lives in the countryside of Kentucky, tucked in the woods. She has held or holds many titles and she’s proud of all of them: daughter, sister, auntie, bestie, wife, momma, author and most recently, oma.

Micca is passionate about making sure people take care of their mental health. All the lessons in her tough life have taught her some very important things, but if she was to pinpoint her favorite, it would be: “Never allow anyone to affect your mental health in any way. No one should hold that power over another, but if they do, they should feel privileged and handle it with care.”

At almost 50 years old Micca's an empty nester and has chosen to expand on her love of reading and write books of her own. Her love of sending readers on an emotional rollercoasters isn't coming to an end any time soon and neither is her dream of being named cliffhanger queen. Luckily for her readers, not all of her books end that way. Micca says she won't put herself in a genre box, but she will admit that Paranormal Why Choose is near and dear to her heart and soul. She says that she feels that's evident in her first series, The Dire Secrets Series. Oh, and Micca's name is pronounce Mee-Kah.