J.D. Ronan

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J.D. Ronan

4 Published BooksJ.D. Ronan

J.D. Ronan is a reluctant storyteller.

Her office is cluttered with stacks of worn notebooks, and pages of poetry hidden away in tiny wooden boxes.

When she isn’t writing. Ronan is an avid reader of the dark fantasy genre, and a self-proclaimed binge reader. Avatar the Last Air Bender, Mulan, Star Wars, and the 2005 Pride and Prejudice are her favorite comfort watches. Each of which is on a strict, alternating rewatch schedule where she cuddles up with a coffee, her two cats Peter and Lily, along with her husband.

Ronan thanks you for taking the time to find her book in this little corner of the world, and encourages all of her readers to check her content warning page prior to purchasing The Fate of Vengeance series.

May Darkness be with you.