Mark Reinfeld

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Mark Reinfeld

14 Published BooksMark Reinfeld

Mark Reinfeld has been preparing inspired gourmet vegan and live food cuisine for over 15 years. He is the recipient of the 2006 Platinum Carrot Award for living foods – a national award given by the Aspen Center for Integral Health to America’s ‘Top Healthy Gourmet Chefs.’ Though his roots are in New York, he developed his love for World culture and cuisine while traveling through Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. To further his knowledge of the healing properties of food, he received a Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition from the Clayton School of Natural Healing. For Mark, Vegan Fusion World Cuisine is an offering of Peace and Healing, a life work culmination of years of travel, adventure, and reflection. It combines the beauty and wonders of nature with the wisdom and cuisine of the World’s cultures.