Brian Yansky

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Brian Yansky

25 Published BooksBrian Yansky

I write dark comedy horror (with some silly parts and satire), humorous urban fantasy and SFF( also with some silly parts and satire).

I’ve published five traditionally published works of fiction and ten independently. I love many kinds of stories. I especially love off-beat, quirky stories with unusual characters and settings that have a sense of wonder and humor.…Falling in love with stories saved me from a life of crime (I’m only sort of kidding; they did save me from something). A lot of my main characters are adopted. Like them, I was adopted. I seem to write often about identity. I live in Austin, Texas. I have no horses or cowboy hats. I do have a 125 pound sheep dog. I’ve taught college, been a bartender and waiter and am now a full-time writer. I have hitch-hiked all over America, Mexico, and other places. I have a black belt in Taekwondo. Helps with my action scenes. I’m married. I love writing novels and stories (have published over 15 stories: Glimmer Train and other magazines), but I like writing most anything. My grocery lists are excellent.